Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Silly Putty

As a coordinator to help with crafts at our local Mom's group one year we decide the ladies would make children friendly recipe scrapbooks.  Each meeting the Mom's came together and created 2-3 pages 4"x6" pages that would be placed in a small photo-album.  I made a number of books for gifts and continue to add recipes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1 Wedding Dress = 3 Christening gowns

The original wedding gown.

I had a client that wanted 3 Christening gowns created from her heirloom wedding gown. The end result was 3 unique and original designed Christening gowns.

Now I am even more inspired to cut up my wedding dress and create my daughter's 1st communion dress next spring.

Dress #1

Dress #2

Dress #3

Click on the pictures to see a closeup.

Reconciliation Bulletin Board

Lord Wash Me and I shall be Whiter than Snow.
I created this board to celebrate 1st reconciliation at our parish in December 2008.
In the center of each unique snowflake is the child's 1st name.
The snowflakes were created by using templates from the website Papersnowflakes.com and represent each person's uniqueness.

The snowman is asking for prayers from our parish as the youth celebrate this wonderful sacrament of healing.

Inspiration came from:  http://www.boardsgalore.com/