Monday, December 27, 2021

Tripoley Board Christmas gifts

Our family loves to play Tripoley when we are together.  Homemade boards were created for the nieces and nephews.  Each board had appliques cut out with our new Cricut Expressions machine.  The chips are bingo chips and the cards were ordered from Zazzle with each persons name on them.  The boards will cinch up into a satchel bag when the ties are pulled, storing the chips and cards inside.  

 Tripoley Rules

The Deal & the Stakes

  • Before the cards are dealt, the players must place 8 tiles on the playing fields.
  • Place a tile on each of the marked spaces: 8-9-10, King-Queen of Hearts, Kitty, 10 of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts, Ace of Hearts.
  • Some venues may have unclaimed chips from previous game bets.
  • Just add your own.
  • Once the bets are placed, the dealer gives each player a card at the same time. The dealer also deals a blind hand at the same time.
  • The dealer rotates to the left with each round.
  • Some players may have more cards than others.
  • If a player has any of the marked spaces 8-9-10, King-Queen of Hearts, Kitty, 10 of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts, Ace of Hearts they can’t pick up the blind or bid on it.
  • If the dealer doesn’t like his hand, he can exchange it for the blind and no bidding takes place for the blind.
  • It is NOT allowed to examine the blind hand before exchanging it.
  • The dealer’s original hand then becomes dead and no longer can be used this round.
  • Hands cannot be combined.
  • The dealer can auction the blind hand to the highest bidder should they not pick it up. Bidding starts to the left of the dealer.
  • The hand cannot be seen on the stage.
  • The player who buys it discards his hand and pays the dealer his bid with his/her chips for the blind.

Rules for Play:

·         Whoever has the two of clubs must play it first. If it is dead in the blind then the lowest club is played first.

  • The players follow suit until no one can play that suit. A card that cannot be followed is called a stop card.
  • As soon as a stop card or an ace is hit, the player who played the ace or stop card starts over. They are to play the lowest red he has and players follow that suit till no one can play. 

·         Each time the suit play comes to a stop the player that goes out then plays the opposite lowest color of the suit last played. 

  • If the player that played the last suit does not have the opposite color the person to their left can then play their lowest opposite color card.
  • If this player cannot get out either, he continues to move to the left until someone can play.
  • Players with ace, king, queen, jack or ten hearts take the tiles from the corresponding fields as those cards are played.
  • A player can have both the Queen and the King of Hearts.
  • He takes tokens/chips from the King and Queen spaces and the corresponding space.
  • King-Queen square must be hearts.

·         The 8-9-10 tiles can be taken one after the other in any suit by players with 8-9-10. They are not necessarily hearts.

  • If two or more players meet this requirement. The player that plays the 8-9-10 first claims the chips.
  • If no one has the cards played for a marked space the chips carry over each round until someone plays that marked space and then claims all the chips for that space.
  • The game continues like this until someone runs out of cards.
  • As soon as this happens, the game will stop immediately.
  • The player who played his entire hand wins all of the chips in the Kitty field. In addition, the player that went out then collects a chip for each card the players still have in their hand from the players.


Frequently Asked Questions
1.  For how long the game continues?  The game carries on until the players choose to quit. If they do, there will likely be some unclaimed chips.

2. Who is the winner?  The player with the most chips is the winner of the game!